Rosie Williams & Pablo Chamorro

Founded by Rosie Williams in 2019 after finishing her law degree and joined by PabloChamorro in 2020, Nii HAi is a boundary breaking brand with attitude. Interconnectedwithin the environments of London and New York contrasting with their Mediterraneanroots. As they continue to grow, this concept of chiaroscuro has become a key factor inthe Nii HAi universe. Nii HAi has defined their design statements and developed theirown visual key, now dressing the likes of Kourtney Kardashian, Bella Hadid & Dua Lipa.

Nii HAi is unwaveringly contradicting the norm and bringing the unexpected to theforefront. This is achieved via garments, virtual campaigns and global IRL experiences,through their signature guerrilla marketing stunts and recent pop-ups in New York,London & Berlin.

“We aim to merge global ideas and inspirations, translating them into a world that isconstantly challenging the present fashion and media landscape”.


IG: @nii.hai


Calle Madrid, 25, 07829, San Jose, Ibiza
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