Aitor Goikoetxea

Aitor Goikoetxea was born in Bilbao on December 23, 1999. He was always seen as having artistic potential by those around him. but deciding to pursue fashion was something that came to him at the age of 17 while he was finishing his artistic studies in high school. It was there when he realized that fashion could be the me- dium in which he could combine his interests in color, the way fashion translates a concept and tells a story, cinema...

In 2017 he decided to move to Barcelona to study at IED Barcelona, and it was in those four years where he was able to experiment so much, in which he realized how nostalgic he was when choosing concepts for his collections. Although he left Bilbao with some rejection, Barcelona managed to give him back that enthu- siasm for his origins and he completely reconciled with his past. It was in that past that he found the voice of what he wanted to tell.

In 2021, after finishing university, he presented his first collection, which received the Responsible Creativity Award from ITS Awards in Trieste, Italy. Becoming the first Spanis to receive this award.

In 2022, after spending some time in ManéMané, he decided to launch his first knitted pieces for sale, and given the feedback he received, having sales even in Hawaii, he decided to dedicate all the time he had to his eponymous brand AITORGOIKOETXEA.

Interest in knitting is something that greatly characterizes Aitor’s work, and this technique allows him to make countless designs with a single thread. From creating the structure from scratch, to making prints... This very detailed process allows him to control all aspects of the garments, from the quality of the threads to the final design.

In February 2023, he won the Mercedes Benz Fashion Talent award with the Adarrak named collection, which gave him the opportunity to travel to Mexico to show in Mexico City during its fashion week in Octo- ber.

Currently, Aitor has returned to Bilbao, where he has opened his first atellier. But this will just be one more stop on the journey. Why not Paris next?.


IG: @aitorgoiko_


Calle Madrid, 25, 07829, San Jose, Ibiza
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